My Friend Rabbit is the story of
a Rabbit who has a capacity for trouble and a Mouse who is his friend in spite of the ensuing trouble it will bring.
When Rabbit flies Mouse and his plane into a tree, his plan to get the plane out of the tree is sure to bring trouble.
The industrious and resourceful Rabbit brings an elephant, rhino, ducks, a bear, and more to the scene and begins stacking
them on top of one another so that the plane can be reached.
The illustrations, done in relief print, are the story in this picture book,
which could almost be considered a wordless picture book. The text
is sparse because the illustrations carry the focus of the story with very little text needed. The face of each animal
as they eventually fall from the tall stack Rabbit has made of them are artfully depicted. Expressions are truly
worth 1,000 words in this picture book.
Each page is outlined in a thick black line; the illustrations almost have
the feel of a reel of film as you flip from one image to the next. The various angles of the illustrations are used
to add to the comic feel of this picture book and of this wacky Rabbit. As the "fall" of the animals is happening, the
double page spread shows each animal coming into the frame at different and curious angels, making the situation even more
funny. The following spread depicts all the animals, now right side up, glaring menacingly at rabbit, who is responsible
for all of the mayham. Fortunately for Rabbit, however, Mouse will come to his aide, as a true friend always will.