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Sarah's Poets
History: Stardust otel

from Stardust Otel

History:  Stardust  otel
My parents--
flower children,
Woodstock lovers--
named me Leary
after their hero
insisted I call them Nick and Lucy
bought a house:
three floors,
tired brown clapboards,
a long front porch
hanging like a pouting lower lip
named it
after powdering their faces with stardust
in a psychedelic vision.
The H fell nearly 15 years ago:
the day I was born
Nick swung on it in joy
until it snapped off in his hands.
He never replaced it,
saying he liked to be reminded
of how he felt that day.
I like the voice in this poem - a young boy looking at his own parents and how they feel about him. Appropriate for junior high students and up, this poem conveys the feeling of love that the parents have for the boy but also that the boy has for them.  But the poem isn't sappy or hard to believe - it is simple, truthful, and appealing. 
As an extension of this poem, have the students think of something in their live that they leave as it is because it provides a strong memory for them - either positive or negative.  For example, leaving a christmas decoration up all year or leaving an old note taped to the bathroom mirror.

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