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Sarah's Poets
This poem is for Nadine

from Going over to Your place: poems for each other

This poem is for Nadine
who bends in garden rows
with straw hat
sunny back
flowered skirt
gathered in one hand
while the other
tosses weeds
toward dented white enamel pot;
who scolds greedy pennyroyal
comforts lavende
pinches rosemary and rue
with shears snips
cosmos foxglove delphinium
while our striped cat suns
in day lilies;
who this snowy night
rubs her small hands
wishing them lined with earth.
In this poem, the poet uses a single activity to portray the main subject; the activity used is gardening.  Gardening terms and metaphors are used to describe the person.  What an interesting approach!  Have the kids consider what hobby or activity they would use to describe themselves through OR what they would use to describe someone they are close to.  Be sure to provide some examples and be open to individual interpretation.  For example, I could describe my dad or my sister in terms of being a runners and through the act of running.  This poem and activity are appropriate for junior high or high school students.

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