My -- Oh Wow! --Book
I'm lying here
and I'm sick in bed
with a terrible
pain in my head,
and these funny bumps
that my ma says look
like the chicken pox,
and my--oh wow!--book,
and some Band-Aids (six)
for the spots I hurt
where I fell on stones
when I missed the dirt,
and my--oh wow!--book,
and my swollen thumb
that the door slammed on,
and this aching stom-
ach from fifths on root beer
and thirds on pie,
and my--oh wow!--book,
which I'm not gonna die
till I finish.
Viorst, Judith. 1981. If I were in charge of the world and other worries. New York:
Atheneum Books. ISBN 0689308639.
There are a lot of directions you could take this poem, but my favorite extension would be a discussion of favorite books.
Talk about books you couldn't put down, books you've read more than once, books that are your favorites. Then, use this
poem as a way to introduce a new "class book" that you will either read in full to the class or that you will read part of
and then leave them hanging to finish it themselves.