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Sarah's Poets
Paul Janeczko: FYI!

Paul Janeczko

Did Paul Janeczko always want to be a poet?
NO!  As a kid he only wanted to survive his next paper route without being mauled by Ike, a dog with an affinity for paperboys.
When did Paul Janeczko discover poetry?
In college!  At this point, he devoured it.
Paul Janeczko has worked with young writers in states from Maine to Alaska, as well as in Germany and England.
Paul Janeczko taught high school English for 22 years, before traveling as a poet to work with young writers.
Paul Janeczko has edited many poetry anthologies and written his own books of poetry.
Paul Janeczko has written poems about teeth, suicide, lasagna, movies, swimming, insomnia, gluttons, dentists, war victims, crows, cars, cats and gnats...to name a few.
For his book Seeing the Blue Between: Advice and Inspiration for Young Poets, Paul Janeczko gathered letters and poems from thirty-two internationally renowned poets.  Paul Janeczko said about the book, "I tried to create a book that I wish I'd had when I was a kid."
Paul Janeczko frequently presents workshops for teachers, librarians and young writers.
Paul Janeczko currently lives in Maine with his wife and daughter.


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