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Sarah's Poets
Lee Bennett Hopkins

Fractions can be a very hard concept to grasp, particularly going from fraction to decimal.  This poem really sheds some light on the process!  Just think of fractions as making numbers "whole/ once more/ again."

Broken number pieces
a quarter
a half
an eighth
out of order
out of control--
I explore them
restore them
make them
once more
Hopkins, Lee Bennett.  1997.  Marvelous Math.  New York:  Simon and Schuster.  ISBN # 0689806582.
Use this poem to open up a lesson on math -- fractions, if possible.  Then, use it as a way to talk about what concepts in math seem to be the hardest and why that is.  Math can be a very troubling subject for many students, so use this poem as a way to openly talk about things in math that are difficult.  Begin by sharing something in math that you always had trouble with and then see where the class goes from there.

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