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Sarah's Poets

Poem with Refrain/Chorus

Introduce this poem with by talking about cats and the funny dispositions they have.  Allow the children to tell a few stories of pet cats, and then introduce this poem, allowing the kids to help with the "mew mew mew," followed by a good picture book.

The Mysterious Cat


I saw a proud, mysterious cat,

I saw a proud, mysterious cat,

Too proud to catch a mouse or rat -

*Mew, mew, mew.


But catnip she would eat, and purr,

But catnip she would eat, and purr.

And goldfish she did much prefer -

*Mew, mew, mew.


I saw a cat  - 'twas but a dream,

I saw a cat  - 'twas but a dream,

Who scorned the slave that brought her cream -

*Mew, mew, mew.


Unless the slave were dressed is style,

Unless the slave were dressed in style,

And knelt before her all the while -

*Mew, mew, mew.


Did you ever hear of a thing like that?

Did you ever hear of a thing like that?

Did you ever hear of a thing like that?

Oh, what a proud mysterious cat.

Oh, what a proud mysterious cat.

Oh, what a proud mysterious cat.





Poem by Vachel Lilndsay. 


Beatrice Schenk de Regniers, editor. 1988.  Sing a Song of Popcorn. New York: Scholastic Inc. ISBN: 059043974X.




My favorite part of this poem is "mew mew mew."  I think it would be fun for the class to join in on the "mews". 


One of my favorite books is Senor Don Gato Illus. by John Manders.  Reading this picture book (hopefully performing it...) would be a great extension of this fun poem.

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