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Sarah's Poets
Movement Poem

Read this poem outside, if possible, on a nice spring day.  Tell the kids to be the kite!  Have them do the movements in the poem - whirling and twirling like kites.  Read this at least twice, allowing them to perfect their kites.

Being a Kite
If I were a kite
I'd kneel,
stretch my skinny arms
out wide,
and wait for wind.
My yellow shirt would
fill up like a sail
and flap,
tugging my criss-crossed
wooden bones and me
towards seas of cloud.
My rippling paper skin
would rustle like applause
as I inhaled
gulping one last gust
to swoop me giddy-quick
above the trees.
My red rag tail
would drift
toward everything green
to balance me
so all day
I could loop and climb
loop and climb
and soar
into pure sky.
Poem by Jacqueline Sweeney
Janeczko, Paul B.  2001.  Dirty Laundry Pile: poems in different voices.  Illus. by Melissa Sweet.  New York:  HarperCollins Publishers.  ISBN 0688162525.
After reading the poem through at least twice and allowing the kids to move freely as though they are kites, fly a kite!  If you have access to more than one, go ahead and fly those as well.  If there is only one kite allow each child a chance to fly it themselves. 

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