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Sarah's Poets
Poem about Mathematics

Math is often an unsung hero - but this poem sings it praises.  Children will be particularly interested to know that without math, there wouldn't be Birthdays!
*Note:  This poetry break was created before reading the Lecture Notes.  An additional math poetry break is included since this exact poem (and extension!) appear in the lecture notes.

Take a Number
by Mary O'Neill
Imagine a world
Without mathematics:
No rulers or scales,
No inches or feet,
No dates or numbers
On house or street,
No prices or weights,
No determining heights,
No hours running through
Days and nights.
No zero, no birthdays,
No way to subtract
All of the guesswork
Surrounding the fact.
No sizes for shoes,
Or suit or hat. . .
Wouldn't it be awful
To live like that?
Hopkins, Lee Bennett.  1997.  Marvelous Math: a book of poems.  Illus by Karen Barbour.  New York:  Simon and Schuster Books.  ISBN 0689806582.
There are so many things math does for us EVERYDAY that we do not think about or consider.  Have the kids make a list of things they like to do that they couldn't do without math.  Keep score at a soccer match?  Play Monopoly?  Share the lists as a class and make a "Top 10 List" of reasons to love math!  Keep this list up in the classroom and refer to it when a math lesson is particularly hard or challenging. 

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