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Sarah's Poets
Asian American Poet

Before reading this poem, show the children the text written in Japanease.  It is truly fascinating to see the language when compared to English.

Jungle Gym Song
Twish and clim,
Crawl through and climb,
Climb up, climb up
the jungle, jungle gym.
When you reach the goal, there at the top,
Ya Ho, Ya Ho Ho!
Touch wiht your cheeks
The chilly sky above.
Twist and play,
Crawl through and play,
Play on, play on
the jungle, jungle gym.
When you are tired of playing, there at the top,
Ya Ho, Yah Ho Ho!
Lick the cotton candy
Of fleecy clouds.
Mado, Michio.  1998.  The Magic Pocket.  Illus. by Mitsumasa Anno.  New York:  McElderry Books.  ISBN  0689821379.
It would be best to read this poem on a playground with a jungle gym.  Have the children sit on the ground for the first reading, and then sit on the jungle gym (if reasonably possible) for the second reading.  While they are playing, ask them what images the last line of the poem brings to mind.  It is a wonderful last line!

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